Morning and welcome to court 38 of the Royal Courts of Justice in London. We are here for the Johnny Depp v NGN libel trial.
Morning and welcome to court 38 of the Royal Courts of Justice in London. We are here for the Johnny Depp v NGN libel trial.
Hello and welcome to court 38 of the Royal Courts of Justice. This is just one of the overspill courts to court 13 where the Johnny Depp v NGN libel trial is entering its second day. This picture is of the main entrance to the RCJ. Part 1: Part 2:
In court 38 of the Royal Courts of Justice – watching court 13 on videolink. Johnny Depp is in the building having arrived in a silver people carrier wearing a black facemask. He is suing The Sun’s parent group NGN after an article was published calling him a “wife beater”…
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